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4 Reasons Why Getting a Degree in Social Media is Worth It

4 Reasons Why Getting a Degree in Social Media is Worth It

Only a few years ago, obtaining a degree in social media might have seemed far-fetched. But as technology continues to evolve, countless opportunities have emerged for skilled professionals to pursue careers in social media. And in order for those individuals to rise to the top, many of them have opted to attend a college that offers a degree in social media, like ours.

Here at FIDM, you'll do far more than learn social media on a casual or personal basis. You'll learn how to engage and communicate with your target audience, design social media campaigns that offer an excellent return on investment, and evaluate methods using analytics in order to improve your strategy. Our social media school and subsequent degree will allow you to thrive once you graduate. If you want to embark on a career in social media, you need the right tools and knowledge at your disposal. There's no doubt that an education from FIDM will provide you with those things.

There are those, however, who feel that obtaining a degree in social media isn't necessary for the pursuit of social media careers. While 78 percent of the total U.S. population had a social networking profile in 2016, the majority of those users don't know how to run a successful campaign or know how to produce highly shareable branded content. If you've ever wondered if a degree in social media is a pointless endeavor, you'll rethink your position when you consider the following:

Why getting a degree in social media is worth it:

You'll jump-start your career

These days, social media knowledge is a must for numerous types of jobs. Although you may get to focus a little on social media within other digital marketing programs, FIDM is one of the few institutions in the nation that allows you to obtain a specialized degree solely in social media. And unlike many other social media colleges, you'll be able to hit the ground running through our program. We don't make you wait to get started on a career you love; instead, you'll be immersed in classes directly related to your major from day one. Because of that, you'll be much better prepared to transition directly into a related career upon graduation. In fact, you'll probably already feel like a working professional while you're still in school!

You'll make industry connections

If you're going to attend social media college, California is one of the best places to do so. Our location allows you to be right in the middle of the action. Because FIDM is in close proximity to some of the nation's top brands and most well-regarded experts in the field, you'll get hands-on instruction from industry professionals. You'll make connections with important figures and learn how to navigate this ever-changing landscape from those who understand it best.

Your job performance will be exemplary

At our social media college, you'll learn the ins and outs of the field before you get out into the workforce. By the time you graduate, your craft will be well-honed, making you a real asset to any company. Because you won't have to resort to trial-and-error once hired, your job performance will be off the charts. In a saturated market, stellar job performance is a necessity. Once you obtain your degree in social media, neither you nor your employer will have to worry about your skills not being up to snuff.

You'll edge out the competition

Although there are more social media-related job opportunities now, the competition is stiff. We use proven methods and adapt to new tactics all the time, which means you'll be ahead of the curve. By obtaining a superior education, your résumé will stand out for all the right reasons. The competition won't stand a chance.

Want to get started on your career in social media? Our A.A. and B.A. programs may be right for you! To learn more, visit our Social Media Degree page or get in touch with us today.


Categories:  Digital Marketing

Apr 19, 2018
